Das Haus auf den Klippen

Novel, Suspense by Мэри Хиггинс Кларк


Unable to forgive herself for the death of her two-year-old son Bobby in a car accident, Menley Nichols' marriage to Adam starts to fall apart - until the birth of their daughter Hannah. Determined to rebuild a life together around their precious baby, Menley and Adam decide to rent a house on Cape Cod for a month, confident that the tranquility of the place will be ideal for Menley and little Hannah. But the peace they crave is disturbed when strange things start to happen - incidents which make Menley relive the horror of the accident in which she lost Bobby...incidents which make her fear for Hannah. And step by step, Menley and Adam are drawn into a dark and sinister web of events which threatens their marriage, their child, and ultimately Menley's sanity.

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Ein typisches Buch von Mary Higgins Clark. Die Charaktere sind stark und gut durchdacht. Die Szenerie wird einem mit schönen Details nahe gebracht und man findet sich schnell mitten im Buch wieder. Es sind keine unnötig in die Länge gezogenen Stellen vorhanden, lässt sich wunderbar in einem Rutsch lesen.

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