Crown of Stars

Science Fiction by Джеймс Типтри-младши


Crown of Stars is a posthumous collection of Alice Sheldon ‘s unpublished short stories and those published in the final years of her career. All but one of the stories had previously been published elsewhere, in Science fiction magazines or anthologies. It is copyrighted to “the Estate of Alice B. Sheldon” and was first published in 1988 by Tom Doherty Associates. Crown of Stars is 340 pages in length. As is common with posthumous anthologies of late and unfinished works, there are a few excellent, classic stories set amongst a number of less polished pieces. Here we have ten short stories that generally represent Sheldon’s last contributions to literature, said to include her final burst of creativity. This is a highly somber and cynical collection, however, it contains several bight and playful entries mixed in.

First Published


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