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Displaying 1-20 of 68 results.
The Thirty Years War
Anthony Grafton
The Thirty Years War (The Folio Society edition)
G. Parker
The Thirty Years War : Europe's Tragedy
Peter H. Wilson
The Warwolf: A Peasant Chronicle of the Thirty Years War
Hermann Loens
Mother Courage and Her Children: a Chronicle of the Thirty Years' War
Бертольт Брехт
Won By The Sword : A Story of the Thirty Years' War (Works of G. A. Henty)
G. A. Henty
The Thirty Years' War (Modern Scandinavian Literature in Translation) (Modern Scandinavian Literature in Translation)
Henrik Tikkanen
The Thirty Years War: the Holy Roman Empire and Europe, 1618-48 (European History in Perspective)
Ronald G. Asch
Germany in the Thirty Years War (Documents of Modern History)
Gerhard Benecke
The Thirty Years' War
Herbert Langer
The new Cambridge modern history. Vol.4, The decline of Spain and the Thirty Years War, 1609-59
J. P Cooper
The History of the Thirty Years War
Йоганн-Фрідріх Шиллер
Battles of the Thirty Years War
William P. Guthrie
The Thirty Years' War 1618-1648
Richard Bonney
Lützen 1632 : climax of the Thirty Years war
Richard Brzezinski
Identity, Interest and Action: A Cultural Explanation of Sweden's Intervention in the Thirty Years War (Cambridge Cultur
Erik Ringmar
The Thirty Years War
J. V. Polisensky
The Thirty Years War: A Documentary History
Tryntje Helfferich
The Thirty Years War (Seminar Studies In History)
Peter Limm
The Thirty Years War 1618 - 1648
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