Zusammen ist man weniger allein

by Анна Гавальда


Prize-winning author Anna Gavalda has galvanized the literary world with an exquisite genius for storytelling. Here, in her epic new novel of intimate lives-and filled with the "humanity and wit" (Marie Claire) that has made it a bestselling sensation in France-Gavalda explores the twists of fate that connect four people in Paris. Comprised of a starving artist, her shy, aristocratic neighbor, his obnoxious but talented roommate, and a neglected grandmother, this curious, damaged quartet may be hopeless apart, but together, they may just be able to face the world.

First Published


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Sehr anrührende Geschichte. Die Handlung könnte man fast unrealistisch nennen, aber die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen werden dadurch hervorragend reflektiert.

0 Responses posted in January


schönes Buch über das Leben und die Liebe auf ganz ungewöhnliche Art und Weise

0 Responses posted in February


so sollen Bücher sein!!!

0 Responses posted in August
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