Venus in Furs

Novel, Erotica by Леапольд фон Захер-Мазох


If you've ever been curious about where the term "masochism" comes from, you will find it laden in the pages of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's masterpiece, Venus in Furs, for whom the term was named. Drawn in part from his own life experiences, Sacher-Masoch's novel develops an eroticism unlike any other. The book's protagonist, Severin, is so infatuated and obsessed with the object of his desire, Wanda, that he asks to be her slave. Although hesitant at first, Wanda's treatment of Severin becomes more and more depraved, fueling Severin's own desires for cruelty.

First Published


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o início do livro é ótimo, algumas passagens são excelentes, mas o final deixa a desejar.

0 Responses posted in January
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