Smoke Ghost and Other Apparitions

by פריץ לייבר


Fresh from its original appearance in a limited edition from small press Midnight House, this collection follows the acclaimed title, THE BLACK GONDOLIER AND OTHER STORIES and is also edited by John Pelan and Steve Savile. SMOKE GHOST & OTHER APPARITIONS is a new collection of stories by Fritz Leiber. Assembled here is a selection of Mr. Leiber's best horrific tales, many of which are previously uncollected and have been virtually unobtainable for decades. During his more than fifty years of writing, Leiber was an acknowledged master of the weird tale and the stories in this collection include works originally published in the magazines from the 1940's onward, including such venues as 'Unknown,' 'Thrilling Mystery,' 'Startling Stories' and 'Fantasy' and also works published over the decades in such places as 'Rogue,' 'The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction,' 'Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine' and the acclaimed horror specialty magazine 'Whispers 13-14.' Besides "Smoke Ghost" (1941), the stories include "Cry Witch!" (1951), "I'm Looking for Jeff" (1952), "Ms. Found in a Maelstrom" (1959), "The Button Molder" (1979), "Dark Wings" (1976) and (Original to this volume) "The Enormous Bedroom" (2001).

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