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Displaying 1-20 of 2915 results.
Doctrines of Shi`i Islam: A Compendium of Imami Beliefs and Practices
Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani
Know Your Islam
Yousuf N. Lalljee (ed.)
Een geschiedenis van God. Vierduizend jaar jodendom, Christendom en islam
کارن آرمسترانگ
Islam: A Short History (A Modern Library Chronicles Book)
کارن آرمسترانگ
No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam
رضا اصلان
Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia
Ahmed Rashid
Kampen för Gud : fundamentalism inom judendom, kristendom och islam
کارن آرمسترانگ
Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
میشل انفره
The Caged Virgin : An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam
آیان حرصی علی
De crisis van de islam : Jihad en de wortels van de woede
برنارد لوئیس
1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West
Roger Crowley
Guests of the Ayatollah: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam
Mark Bowden
Onder de gelovigen een reis door de islam
وی. اس. نایپل
The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Islam (and the Crusades) (Politically Incorrect Guides)
رابرت اسپنسر
The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith
Irshad Manji
While Europe slept : how radical Islam is destroying the West from within
Bruce Bawer
The Shia revival : how conflicts within Islam will shape the future
ولیرضا نصر
The Book of Saladin: A Novel (Islam Quartet 2)
طارق علی
The First Crusade: a new history: the roots of conflict between Christianity and Islam
Thomas Asbridge
The Venture of Islam, Conscience and History in a World Civilization, Volume 1 : The Classical Age of Islam
مارشال گووین سیمز هاجسون
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