Pussey! (new s

Speculative fiction by دنیل کلوز


Pussey! is a comics serial and graphic novel by Daniel Clowes. It was originally serialized across nine non-consecutive issues of Clowes's alternative comic book Eightball, and was later collected by Fantagraphics Books.
Pussey! tells the satirical story of a comic book artist named Dan Pussey, following him from his childhood years, through his successful career and into aged obscurity. Along the way he lampoons the comics industry as a whole, including direct satires of several creators, such art Art Spiegelman stand-in character Gummo Bubbleman.
Dave Gilson, writing for Mother Jones, called Pussey a "knowing send-up of comic nerddom", and Tom Spurgeon of The Comics Reporter said that "works like Pussey...remind that he may also be its best living practitioner of filthy, blunt satire".

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