Las Penas Del Joven Werther (Biblioteca Universal Gredos)

Novel, Epistolary novel by David Constantine, گوئٹے


The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774; revised 1787) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is a short, mostly epistolary work of elevated emotion of the German Sturm und Drung period that later evolves into Romanticism.

Honorable and sensitive young Werther literally perishes from a love that can never be, a love for a married young woman, and writes his agonized letter diary to a friend, describing in tragic emotional detail his experiences.

First Published


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Klauda informiert Die Schönheit des Textes ergibt sich aus drei entscheidenden Komponenten, die knappe Fassung ohne Seitenerzählungen, die elegante Sprachmächtigkeit des Autors, die Originalität der Geschichte, ein Klassiker.

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