
Science Fiction by कार्ल सेगन


Contact is a 1985 science fiction novel by Carl Sagan. It deals with the theme of contact between humanity and a more technologically advanced, extraterrestrial life form. It ranked No. 7 on the 1985 U.S. bestseller list. The novel originated as a screenplay in 1979; when development of the film stalled, Sagan decided to convert the stalled film into a novel. The film concept was subsequently revived and eventually released in 1997 as the film Contact starring Jodie Foster.

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Habe es in englisch gelesen. Etwas langatmig hier und da, aber dennoch sehr lesenswert. Eines der wenigen Bücher das ich kenne, bei welchem die Verfilmung die Geschichte genauso schön erzählt wie das Buch selbst.

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