102 Secrets to Smarter Networking

by Liz Lynch


Do you hate to network? Would you rather be at home with a bad book than out pressing the flesh with business associates? Are you concerned that asking others for help shows weakness?

To grow your business and get ahead in this competitive environment, you have to network. But it doesn't have to be hard if you're smart about what you do. This booklet can help.

102 Secrets to Smarter Networking shows you how to:

- Start networking within your comfort zone
- Introduce yourself with maximum impact
- Ask for help without looking helpless
- Participate effectively in networking groups and events
- End the awkwardness in starting and ending conversations
- Build relationships to take your business -- and confidence -- to the next level

Why is this booklet so effective for so many people? Because it wasn't written for the naturally extroverted, but for the 80% of those of us who aren't.

You can find plenty of networking advice from extroverts. Extroverts love to socialize. They chat up a storm on airplanes and in the grocery line, often to the chagrin of the person next to them. They look at a roomful of strangers and see excitement and opportunity, rather than a big mental drain. For them, networking seems to come easily, but you know you could never do what they do and wouldn't want to.

The author isn't a born networker, nor does she particularly love to network, but she IS highly strategic and practical. Her firm, Consult Ad Hoc, helps companies get more with less effort, and she applies that same mindset to the subject of networking. She has built a successful consulting business almost solely through networking, using the ideas in this booklet.

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