After The Break

Novel by Barbara Bullington


"Sooner or later, every woman who is single will find herself contemplating The Break. The Break usually comes after a bad breakup or series of bad dates. All of the sudden, you find yourself wondering whether it's really necessary to have a man in your life." Any woman who has ever had her heart broken by a man (or many men) will identify with the idea of taking a Break from the dating world. The author's dilemma in this humorous look at dating and mating begins when her Break ends and her first romantic relationship in over five years begins. From the embarrassment of almost choking to death on a dinner date, to memories of past romances gone bad, the author takes you along as she puts the new man in her life to the test. Is he a keeper? Or yet another bad draw from the Grab Bag of Horrors from which she's chosen past men? Written with a wry sense of humor that will keep you laughing at the same time you're rooting for the author's ultimate happiness.

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