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Displaying 1-20 of 1970 results.
Strich für Strich: Große Momente der Film-, Kunst- und Weltgeschichte (Stick: Great Moments in Art, History, Film and
Jeffrey Metzner
Masterpieces of Western Art: A History of Art in 900 Individual Studies from the Gothic to the Present Day : From the Gothic to Neoclassicsm (Jumbo)
Ingo F Walther
What of Shoes?: Van Gogh and Art History
Geoffrey Batchen
Media-Art-History: Media Museum: ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Hans Peter Schwarz
From Art History to Visual Culture: The Study of the Visual after the Cultural Turn
Margaret Dikovitskaya
Art of illusion : the representation of art history in nineteenth-century Germany and beyond
Dan Karlholm
Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History
Art Spiegelman
Masterpieces Of Western Art: A History Of Art In 900 Individual Studies From The Gothic To The Present Day (From Gothic
Robert Suckale
The tomb of Nakht: The art and history of an eighteenth dynasty official's tomb at Western Thebes
Abdel Ghaffar Shedid
Cuba: Art and History from 1868 to Today
Nathalie Bondil
Cuba : art and history, from 1868 to today
Tim Bernard
Holocaust Memorials in History: The Art of Memory (Art & Design)
James Edward Young
The Art of Wonder: A History of Seeing
Julian Spalding
Archaeometry: An Introduction to Physical Methods in Archaeology and the History of Art
Ulrich Leute
Memory: Luba Art and the Making of History (African Art)
Die Kunst von Tom Lovell. Die Geschichte Amerikas in Bildern. [The Art of Tom Lovell. An Invitation to History.]
Don Hedgpeth
A Brief History of Working with New Media Art: Interviews with Artists
Sarah Cook
A Brief History of Curating New Media Art: Interviews with Curators
Sarah Cook
Trespass: A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art
Carlo McCormick
History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art
Thomas Wright
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