Why Not Me

by 艾尔·弗兰肯


Why Not Me? The Inside Story of the Making and Unmaking of the Franken Presidency is a satirical novel by comedian Al Franken, detailing his unlikely candidacy to become the President of the United States in the 2000 Presidential Election. The book was published in 1999.
In the novel, Franken bases his campaign on the issues of eliminating high ATM fees and the deregulation of banking laws. Through various illegal and unethical activities, he eventually manages to fluster his Democratic rival, Al Gore, and wins the Democratic nomination. Franken is elected due in part to massive feuding within the Republican Party. However, a serious gaffe committed by Franken during his inauguration speech causes Franken to become manic depressive, causing him to display strange and dangerous behavior. After the embarrassing contents of his campaign diary are disclosed, Franken is forced to resign from office.

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