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Displaying 1-20 of 87 results.
Why The Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism
Dennis Prager
Why the Jews Rejected Jesus
David Klinghoffer
Jewcentricity: Why the Jews Are Praised, Blamed, and Used to Explain Just About Everything
Adam Garfinkle
Urban exodus : why the Jews left Boston and the Catholics stayed
Gerald H. Gamm
Off the Derech: Why Observant Jews Leave Judaism; How to Respond to the Challenge
Faranak Margolese
The fragility of goodness : why Bulgaria's Jews survived the Holocaust : a collection of texts with commentary
Why the Jews Rejected Jesus: The Turning Point in Western History
author not known to readgeek yet
The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved More Jews from the Nazis
William D. Rubinstein
Bound upon a Wheel of Fire: Why So Many German Jews Made the Tragic Decision to Remain in Nazi Germany
John V.h. Dippel
The Jewish Strategy : How the Jews Have Survived Thousands of Years of Persecution and Why We of the West May Not Survive This Century
Revilo P. Oliver
Why Should Jews Survive?: Looking Past the Holocaust Toward a Jewish Future
Michael Goldberg
The Other Schindlers: Why Some People Chose to Save Jews in the Holocaust
Agnes Grunwald-Spier
Why Jews Do What They Do: The History of Jewish Customs Throughout the Cycle of the Jewish Year
Daniel Sperber
(je) The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World
Kati Marton
Escape from Sobibor: The Heroic Story of the Jews Who Escaped from a Nazi Death Camp
Richard Rashke
Safe passage : the remarkable true story of two sisters who rescued Jews from the Nazis
Mary Burchell
The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch
Michael Wolff
Tuned Out: Why Americans Under 40 Don't Follow the News
David Mindich
The Jews' Secret Fleet: The Untold Story of North American Volunteers who Smashed the British Blockade
Murray S. Greenfield
Journalistic Fraud: How the New York Times Distorts the News and Why it Can No Longer be Trusted
Bob Kohn
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