Fahrenheit 451: Easton Press

Dystopia, Novel by 레이 브래드버리


《화씨 451》은 레이 브래드베리가 1953년에 쓴 과학 소설이다. 책이 금지된 미래의 디스토피아를 배경으로 하고 있다. 주인공 가이 몬태그는 책을 불태우는 방화수이다. 소설의 제목인 화씨 451도는 '종이가 불타기 시작하는 온도'를 뜻한다.
1963년에는 프랑스와 트뤼포가 이 소설을 바탕으로 같은 이름의 영화를 만들었다.

First Published


Member Reviews Write your own review



I never really found the story to get going it always felt like I was listening to the prolog and I found I was waiting for something to happen till the last page.

0 Responses posted in October


Never got me excited and I found it seemed to be a flat novel

0 Responses posted in October


Heads up, unfortunately my review is curved very heavily by nostalgia as this was one of the few good books I was forced to read in grade school. Bradbury is one of my favorite writers of all time, and as usual he brings a fantastic story. WIth themes about cultural conformity and education, Bradbury brings an easy to read story about a possible dystopian future that I heartily recommend.

0 Responses posted in December


Trotz des dargestellten Kontrollwahns bleibt das Buch meist spannende Fiktion. Der Drang der Menschheit, sich den im Fernsehen ablaufenden Scheinrealitäten hinzugeben, ist dann aber wohl doch eingetreten. Oder eingetreten worden... Eine fesselnde Dystopie um Freiheit und künstliche Wissensbeschränkungen die den rebellischen Geist zu reizen vermag.

0 Responses posted in July
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