Journal suivi de huit contes inédits

Autobiography by 안네 프랑크, David Barnouw, Harry Paape


《안네의 일기》는 유태인 소녀 안네 프랑크가 국외 탈출에 실패한 아버지의 결단으로 2년간 은신 생활을 하면서 남긴 일기이며, 일기장을 '키티'라고 부르며 친구에게 말하듯이 써내려간 독특한 양식이 특징이다.

First Published


Member Reviews Write your own review



The historical aspect was great, but the book itself got boring

1 Response posted in January


Anfangs war ich von Annes Selbstüberschätzung ziemlich genervt, was aber wohl eher an unangenehmen Erinnerungen an die eigene Adoleszenz liegt... Ich war jedenfalls erstaunt, wie klar sie oft ihre eigenen Gefühle und deren Ursachen erkannt hat. Das Ende geht sehr nahe, obwohl ja bekannt ist, was passierte.

0 Responses posted in February
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