The Priests Of PSI

Science Fiction by Френк Герберт


-There was a half-humorous saying in Investigation & Adjustment that senior field agents could be detected by the number of scars and medical patches they carried.-

Lewis Orne is an operator in the I-A (Investigation and Adjustment Agency) of a galactic government. The I-A duties lie in preventing disastrous wars like the recent rim war that has devastated galactic civilization. The planet Amel-The Priest Planet-has accepted Orne as a disciple. Surprisingly, Orne never applied. But the I-A sorely needs an agent there. Because the I-A has been kicked like a hornet-s nest by the planet. Orne is fitted with flesh-buried psi detection instruments to infiltrate the priest inhabitants. But the religious planet might just infiltrate Orne!

First Published


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