Cavalcare la Tigre

by Heinz Klein, יוליוס אבולה


Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul is a 1961 book by Italian Traditionalist philosopher Julius Evola. The first English translation was published by Inner Traditions in 2003.
In Ride the Tiger, Evola argues that the modern world has become totally corrupt and that the institutions and traditions of the ancient world that once allowed a person to fully realize his being have been lost. The work expands upon the Radical Traditionalist ideas which Evola developed in Revolt Against the Modern World and offers a solution to the problem of living in the modern world different from the reactionary revolution he argued for in Men Among the Ruins. The principal metaphor of the book is its title. Evola argues that in order to survive in the modern world an enlightened or "differentiated man" should "ride the tiger". As a man, by holding onto the tiger's back may survive the confrontation, so too might a man, by letting the world take him on its inexorable path be able to turn the destructive forces around him into a kind of inner liberation.

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