Science Fiction, Novel by 丹·西蒙斯
It is the 29th century and the universe of the Human Hegemony is under threat. Invasion by the warlike Ousters looms, and the mysterious schemes of the secessionist AI TechnoCore bring chaos ever closer. On the eve of disaster, with the entire galaxy at war, seven pilgrims set fourth on a final voyage to the legendary Time Tombs on Hyperion, home to the Shrike, a lethal creature, part god and part killing machine, whose powers transcend the limits of time and space. The pilgrims have resolved to die before discovering anyhting less than the secrets of the universe itself.
First Published
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This is an emotionally difficult book. It challenges the reader in sometimes uncomfortable ways. The world is similarly dense and difficult to penetrate at first. All in all a truly great book, but only if you're really willing to put some work in.
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Reseña Hyperion de Dan Simmons. http://miscriticassobrelibrosleidos.blogspot.com/2011/09/hyperion.html Un saludo
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I disliked this book, however after staring Fall of Hyperion this book gave the 2nd so much context it became amazing!
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Just fantastic.
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