Getting The Girl (a.k.a. When Dogs Cry)

Young-adult fiction by マークース・ズーサック


When Dogs Cry is the third young-adult fiction novel written by Australian writer Markus Zusak in the Wolfe family books. It is a stand alone companion novel to his young-adult fiction novels Fighting Ruben Wolfe and The Underdog. It was first published in 2001 by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty limited. It was published in United States by Arthur A. Levine Books, an imprint of Scholastic Press, April 2003 under the title Getting the Girl. Both titles come from the titles of poems in the book.
From the back of the soft cover Australian edition titled When Dogs Cry:
'You're a bit of a lonely bastard, aren't you?' said Rube. 'Yeah," I answered, 'I guess I am.' But Cameron Wolfe is hungry. He's sick of being the filthy, torn, half-smiling, half-scowling underdog. He's finally met a girl. He's got words in his spirit. And now he's out to prove that there's nothing more beautiful than an underdog whose willing to stand up.
From the back of the soft cover American PUSH edition titled Getting the Girl:
"Cameron's always lived in the shadow of his older brother Ruben. Rube's a talker, a natural, an instant favorite with all the girls he meets. Cameron on the other hand, is... quiet. Sweet.

First Published


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