The Saint in New York

Mystery by レスリー・チャータリス


The Saint in New York is a mystery novel by Leslie Charteris, first published in the United Kingdom by Hodder and Stoughton in 1935. It was published in the United States by Doubleday in January 1935. A shorter version of the novel had previously been published in the September 1934 issue of The American Magazine.
The Saint in New York was the 15th book chronicling the adventures of Simon Templar, an anti-hero character patterned after Robin Hood. According to the website, the official webpage of The Saint Club, this book is considered the most popular Saint volume. Saint expert Burl Barer in his history Saint: A Complete History in Print, Radio, Film and Television 1928–1992, indicates that The Saint in New York was the first "bestseller" of the Simon Templar series, and was the book that established Charteris as a literary celebrity in America and Britain. Due to the book's popularity, it became the first Simon Templar story to be adapted for film.
Up until this point, Charteris had published at least two Saint books in any given calendar year. The Saint in New York broke the pattern by being the only series entry published in 1935.

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