Set in the 1960s in Paris' Jewish quarter, Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran is about a troubled Jewish boy, Moses, or Momo, who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a solitary Muslim shopkeeper named Monsieur Ibrahim. Momo's hilarious yet heart-wrenching story begins when he loses his virginity in a …

Oscar e la dama in rosa è un romanzo breve dello scrittore e drammaturgo francese Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, pubblicato nel 2002 ed uscito in Italia l'anno seguente. Il libro costituisce la terza parte del Ciclo dell’invisibile sulle tre grandi religioni monoteiste. Il testo racconta gli ultimi giorni di vita di Oscar, …

One of Europe's most popular and best-loved authors, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt captivates the reader with his spirited, buoyant style and enchanting stories that move effortlessly from the everyday to the fantastical. The eight stories in this collection, his first to be published in English, represent some of his best …