image of Arthur Koestler

Arthur Koestler

... Unknown

Arthur Koestler's extraordinary history of humanity's changing vision of the universe In this masterly synthesis, Arthur Koestler cuts through the sterile distinction between 'sciences' and 'humanities' to bring to life the whole history of cosmology from the Babylonians to Newton. He shows how the tragic split …

... Unknown

L'amic retrobat és una novel·la de 1971 de l'autor alemany, resident a Anglaterra, Fred Uhlman. En català va aparèixer per primer cop el 1987 a Columna Edicions, traduïda per Dolors Udina i des de llavors ha gaudit d'un èxit notable i s'ha reeditat en diverses col·leccions.

... Unknown

This splendid novel is set in the tumultuous Soviet Union of the 1930s during the treason trials. Rubashov, the protagonist and a hero of the revolution, is arrested and jailed for things he has not done, though there is much about the current Soviet state that veered from his ideals as a revolutionary. His …