The Forge of God is a 1987 science fiction novel by American writer Greg Bear. Earth faces destruction when an inscrutable and overwhelming alien form of life attacks. The Forge of God was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1987, and was also nominated for the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1988.
Darwin's Children is a science fiction novel by Greg Bear published in 2003. It is a sequel to his 1999 Nebula Award-winning novel Darwin's Radio.
Blood Music is a science fiction novel by Greg Bear. It was originally published as a short story in 1983 in the American science fiction magazine Analog Science Fact & Fiction, winning the 1983 Nebula Award for Best Novelette and the 1984 Hugo Award for Best Novelette. Greg Bear published an expanded version in …
Perhaps it wasn't from our time, perhaps it wasn't even from our universe, but the arrival of the 300 kilometre long stone was the answer to humanity's desperate plea to end the threat of nuclear war. Inside the deep recesses of the stone lies Thistledown: the remnants of a human society, versed in English, Russian …
Radio Darwina – powieść fantastyczno-naukowa amerykańskiego pisarza Grega Beara. Powieść ukazała się w 1999 r., polskie wydanie, w tłumaczeniu Janusza Pultyna, wydało Wydawnictwo Solaris w 2009 r. w serii Klasyka Science Fiction. Powieść otrzymała nagrody: Nebula oraz Endeavour w 2000 r.