Our woe is upon us.This chilling tale of one man’s descent into madness was published shortly before the author was institutionalized for insanity, and so The Horla has inevitably been seen as informed by Guy de Maupassant’s mental illness. While such speculation is murky, it is clear that de Maupassantâhailed …

一生,或译女人的一生,是法国作家莫泊桑于1883年创作并发表的长篇小说。小说在1883年2月27日至4月6日连载于文学刊物吉尔·布拉斯,同年集结出版,一年内销量25,000本,在当时这个数字是大畅销。《一生》发表前,莫泊桑即以《羊脂球》等短篇小说而小有名气,但仅仅被认为是自然主义文学的二流人物,《一生》将莫泊桑正式推上大作家的地位。由俄国作家、《战争与和平》的作者托尔斯泰表示因为本书而“兴奋狂喜”,可一窥时人对此书的评价。 …

Set during the Franco-Prussian war, Butterball is a sympathetic portrayal of a prostitute’s mistreatment at the hands of a cold-hearted bourgeoisie. It is published here with a selection of stories about prostitutes, making this a unique collection. When Butterball’s carriage is halted by Prussian soldiers, they …

An intensely personal story of suspicion, jealousy, and family love, this novel shows the influence of such masters as Zola and Flaubert on Maupassant's writings.For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin …

The French author Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a master of the short story, creating detailed character studies and brief but moving dramas well suited to the genre.The nine stories in this collection provide a vivid portrait gallery of his typical subjects — from simple peasants and prostitutes to soldiers, …