Rage is a 1987 novel by Wilbur Smith set in the Union of South Africa, immediately following World War II. It starts in 1952 and goes until the late 1960s, touching on the country's declaration of a republic and the subsequent Sharpeville Massacre. The plot centers around Sasha Courtney and black resistance leader …
Power of the Sword is a novel by Wilbur Smith set before and during World War II. It starts in the 1930s, and covers the Berlin Olympics, World War Two, an assassination attempt on Jan Smuts and the 1948 South African election which saw the official introduction of apartheid.
Posel slunce je dobrodružný román z afrického prostředí spisovatele Wilbura Smitha v originále vydaný v roce 1972. V témže roce označily New York Times tuto knihu za „zlatý důl vzrušení“. Kniha se dělí na dvě části obsažené v jednom svazku, z nichž jedna popisuje děj v současnosti a druhá minulost příběhu k dokonalému …