The Condemned of Altona is a play written by Jean-Paul Sartre, known in Great Britain as Loser Wins. It was first produced in 1959 at the Théâtre de la Renaissance in Paris. It was one of the last plays Sartre wrote, followed only by his adaptation of Euripides' The Trojan Women. The title recalls his formulation "Man …
Az Ördög és a Jóisten Jean-Paul Sartre drámája, aminek megjelenése 1950-re datálható. A dráma premierje Párizsban, a Théâtre Antoine-ban volt, 1951-ben. A darab főhőse Götz von Berlichingen, a Német parasztháború egyik főszereplője, akit sokan mások is megénekeltek. A művet Sartre legjobb darabjának tartják. A világ …
Anti-Semite and Jew is an essay about antisemitism written by Jean-Paul Sartre shortly after the liberation of Paris from German occupation in 1944. The first part of the essay, "The Portrait of the Antisemite", was published in December 1945 in Les Temps modernes. The full text was then published in 1946.
Existentialism and Humanism is a 1946 philosophical work by Jean-Paul Sartre. Widely considered one of the defining texts of the Existentialist movement, the book is based on a lecture called "Existentialism is a Humanism" that Sartre gave at Club Maintenant in Paris, on October 29, 1945.
"A highly entertaining political political thriller...the play shows where that peculiarly Gallic combinations of sex, politics and suspense has its origins" (Michael Billington, Guardian) Crime Passionnel reflects Sartre's fascination with the mentality and morality of Communism in its story of a young Party member …