Jip, His Story is a 1996 children's book written by U.S. novelist Katherine Paterson. Set in Vermont during the 1850s, it focuses on a 12-year-old orphan named Jip, who was abandoned as an infant and mistaken for a gypsy because of his skin color. Jip works at a poor farm where mentally ill residents are housed. One …
Jacob Have I Loved is a novel by Katherine Paterson that won the 1981 Newbery Medal. The title refers to the sibling rivalry between Jacob and Esau in the Jewish and Christian Bible, and comes directly from Romans 9:13: "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." The novel follows the story of the …
Flip-Flop Girl is a 1994 children's novel written by U.S. novelist Katherine Paterson. The book is considered a very good story for children who are trying to adjust in a new school. and appears on school study and reading lists.
Come Sing, Jimmy Jo is a 1985 children's novel written by U.S. novelist Katherine Paterson. The book focuses on a West Virginia boy named James Johnson, whose parents are bluegrass music performers. When it is discovered that James has previously unrecognized musical talent, his parents force him to take the stage …
Broen til Terabithia er en børnebog fra 1977 skrevet af Katherine Paterson. Bogen handler om to ensomme børn, der skaber deres eget fantasiunivers kaldet Terabithia. Historien starter med at Jess, kommer i skole og finder ud af at der starter en ny pige i klassen, Leslie. Det viser så at hun også er nabo til ham og de …
Broen til Terabithia er en børnebog fra 1977 skrevet af Katherine Paterson. Bogen handler om to ensomme børn, der skaber deres eget fantasiunivers kaldet Terabithia. Historien starter med at Jess, kommer i skole og finder ud af at der starter en ny pige i klassen, Leslie. Det viser så at hun også er nabo til ham og de …