Jake's Thing is a satirical novel written by Kingsley Amis, first published in 1978 by Hutchinson, and shortlisted for the Booker Prize that year. The novel follows the life of Jacques 'Jake' Richardson, a fifty-nine-year-old Oxford don who struggles to overcome the loss of his 'libido'. The book employs the …
Överste Sun var den första James Bond-romanen som publicerades efter Ian Flemings död. Den skrevs under pseudonymen "Robert Markham" av Kingsley Amis, och gavs ut 1968.
The Alteration is a 1976 alternate history novel by Kingsley Amis, set in a parallel universe in which the Reformation did not take place. It won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1977.
Take a Girl Like You is a comic novel by Kingsley Amis. The narrative follows the progress of twenty-year-old Jenny Bunn, who has moved from her family home in the North of England to a small town not far from London to teach primary school children. Jenny is a 'traditional' Northern working-class girl whose dusky …
Like all good medieval coaching inns, the Green Man in Fareham, Hertfordshire, boasts a resident, if retired, ghost: Dr. Thomas Underhill, a notorious seventeenth-century practitioner of black arts and sexual deviancy, rumored to have killed his wife. The landlord, Maurice Allington, is the sole witness to the …
The Old Devils is a novel by Kingsley Amis, first published in 1986. The novel won the Booker Prize. It was adapted for television by Andrew Davies for the BBC in 1992, starring John Stride, Bernard Hepton, James Grout and Ray Smith. Alun Weaver, a writer of modest celebrity, returns to his native Wales with his wife …
Lyckliga Jim är en roman från 1954 av den engelske författaren Kingsley Amis. Den handlar om en ung universitetslärare i medeltidshistoria som kämpar med sin vantrivsel i en pseudointellektuell akademisk miljö. Berättelsen är humoristisk och var författarens romandebut. En svensk översättning av Birgitta Hammar och …