Atlantis Found is a 1999 novel by Clive Cussler, the fifteenth book in the Dirk Pitt series.

Inca Gold is a novel written by Clive Cussler. First published in 1994, it is the twelfth book in Cussler's Dirk Pitt series.

Lyft Titanic! är en äventyrsroman av Clive Cussler från 1976 som 1980 blev film. Som titeln anger så ska Cusslers egen organisation NUMA lyfta Titanic från havets botten för att komma åt ett värdefullt grundämmne som ligger i ett vattentätt kassaskåp i Titanics lastrum.

Valhalla Rising is a 2001 Clive Cussler book in the Dirk Pitt series. The events depicted in the book take place between July and August 2003.

Shock Wave is a book written by Clive Cussler. First published in 1996, it is the thirteenth book in Cussler's Dirk Pitt series. The events in the book take place between January and March 2000.

The Mediterranean Caper is an action-adventure novel by Clive Cussler published in the United States in 1973. This is the 1st published book featuring the author’s primary protagonist, Dirk Pitt. It was nominated for an Edgar award by the Mystery Writers of America for "Best Paperback Original Novel of 1973."

Flood Tide is an adventure novel by Clive Cussler. This is the 14th book featuring the author’s primary protagonist, Dirk Pitt. He must rescue illegal immigrants from a Chinese tycoon and locate the bones of the Peking Man, the famous lost example of Homo erectus. This book also introduces Juan Cabrillo and some of …