《忧郁的热带》,是法国结构主义人类学家克劳德·李维史陀的回忆录,出版于1955年。 内容主要讲述作者1930年代在巴西旅游及从事人类学田野调查的经历,虽然作品表面上是一部游记,但叙事常常会被各种课题的反思打断,当中牵涉哲学、社会学、地质学、音乐、历史学及文学等学术范畴,使作品形成意识流般的叙事效果。书中不少部分是来自他昔日的讲演、讲义和旧文章,其中对南比克瓦拉族家庭关系的分析,便是取材自刊载《纽约科学学会会报》的旧文〈一个原始部落中的酋长权的社会面与心理面〉。 …

The Savage Mind is a 1962 work of structural anthropology by Claude Lévi-Strauss. The English translation appeared in 1966.

Ever since the rise of science and the scientific method in the seventeenth century, we have rejected mythology as the product of superstitious and primitive minds. Only now are we coming to a fuller appreciation of the nature and role of myth in human history. In these five lectures originally prepared for Canadian …

The Anthropologie structurale deux is a collection of texts by Claude Lévi-Strauss that was first published in 1973, the year Lévi-Strauss was elected to the Académie française. The texts are in turn a result of an earlier collection of texts, Anthropologie structurale that he had published in 1958. The work is …

The Raw and the Cooked is the first volume from Mythologiques, a structural study of Amerindian mythology written by French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss. It was originally published in French as Le Cru et le Cuit. Although the book is part of a larger volume Lévi-Strauss writes that it may be appreciated on its …

Professor Lévi-Strauss’s first major work, Les Structures élémentaires de la Parenté, has acquired a classic reputation since its original publication in 1949; and it has become the constant focus of academic debate about central theoretical concerns in social anthropology. It is, however, a long and difficult book …