Rigadoon is a novel by the French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline, published posthumously in 1969. The story is based on Céline's escape from France to Denmark after the invasion of Normandy, after he had been associated with the Vichy regime. It is the third part in a trilogy about these experiences; it was preceded by …
Cannon-Fodder is an unfinished novel by the French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline. The largely autobiographical narrative is set before World War II, and roughly continues where Céline's 1936 novel Death on Credit ended. Much of the novel disappeared in 1944. Surviving fragments have been published from 1948 and …
North is a 1960 novel by the French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline. The story is based on Céline's escape from France to Denmark after the invasion of Normandy, after he had been associated with the Vichy regime. It is the second published part, although chronologically the first, in a trilogy about these experiences; …
Castle to Castle is the English title of the 1957 novel by Louis-Ferdinand Céline, titled in French D'un château l'autre. The book features Céline's experiences in exile with the Vichy French government at Sigmaringen, Germany, towards the end of World War II. For the first U.S. edition, translator Ralph Manheim won …
Death on Credit is a novel by author Louis-Ferdinand Céline, published in 1936. The most common, and generally most respected English translation is Ralph Manheim's.
Gecenin Sonuna Yolculuk, Louis-Ferdinand Céline tarafından 1932 yılında yazılan roman. Aynı zamanda, Louis-Ferdinand Céline'in ilk romanıdır. Kitap, Le Monde 'un Yüzyılın 100 Kitabı listesi'nde de 6. sırada yer almıştır. 2002 yılında Yiğit Bener tarafından Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş ve Yapı Kredi Yayınları tarafından …