The Black Cauldron is a high fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, the second of five volumes in The Chronicles of Prydain. For 1966 it was a Newbery Honor book, runner-up for the year's "most distinguished contribution to American literature for children". The story continues the adventures of Taran, the Assistant …

Il libro dei tre è un romanzo fantasy del 1964 scritto dall'americano Lloyd Alexander, primo dei cinque romanzi che compongono la serie Le cronache di Prydain, basata sulle leggende contenute nel Mabinogion, il testo mitologico più importante della letteratura gallese. Personaggi principali di questo romanzo sono il …

Il sommo re è l'ultimo dei cinque romanzi che compongono la collana di libri Le cronache di Prydain, un ciclo fantasy scritto dall'americano Lloyd Alexander e basato sulle leggende contenute nel Mabinogion, il testo mitologico più importante della letteratura gallese. Personaggi principali di questo romanzo sono i …

The Castle of Llyr is a high fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, the third of five volumes in The Chronicles of Prydain. The story continues the adventures of Taran "Assistant Pig-Keeper", primarily on the Isle of Mona west of Prydain, far from the forces of Arawn, Lord of Death. Princess Eilonwy "faces the unavoidable …

Taran Wanderer is a high fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, the fourth of five volumes in The Chronicles of Prydain. The series follows Taran, the Assistant Pig-Keeper, as he nears manhood while helping to resist the forces of Arawn Death-Lord. The story follows Taran as he "wanders" with Gurgi, but without most of his …

Time Cat is a fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, an American author of more than forty books, primarily fantasy fiction for children. It was his first children's fantasy.

The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain is a collection of short high fantasy stories for children by Lloyd Alexander. The 1973 first edition includes six stories; the 1999 edition, eight. All are prequels to The Chronicles of Prydain, Alexander's award-winning series of five novels published 1964 to 1968.

Terra d'occidente è un libro di Lloyd Alexander pubblicato nel 1981 come primo episodio della trilogia Westmark.

The Kestrel is a fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, the second of three books often called the Westmark trilogy. The novel won the Parent's Choice Award in fiction for Fall 1982. It is set in Westmark, "an imaginary kingdom with a post-Napoleonic cast". Another reviewer has called the series "historical fantasy, set in …