Since the original, prewar translation there has been no completely new rendering of the French original into English. This translation brings to the fore a more sharply engaged, comic and lucid Proust. IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME is one of the greatest, most enjoyable reading experiences in any language. As the great …
Mark Treharne's acclaimed new translation of The Guermantes Way will introduce a new generation of American readers to the literary riches of Marcel Proust. The third volume in this superb new edition of In Search of Lost Time -- the first completely new translation of Proust's masterpiece since the 1920s -- it brings …
In this conclusion to this section of Proust’s classic, we get to understand what he means by budding grove.’ As the summer on the beach winds down, the adolescent Proust is increasingly smitten by the young beauties his age he passes by but never gets to meet... until a well-known painter gives him that very chance. …
À la recherche du temps perdu is een roman van Marcel Proust. Het werk is geschreven tussen 1908 en 1922. De romancyclus werd uitgegeven in zeven delen, tussen 1913 en 1927. De laatste drie delen zijn pas uitgegeven na de dood van Proust. Het boek is meer dan een opeenvolging van gebeurtenissen. In tegenstelling tot …