Knjiga O življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem je tretji del t.i. »trilogije v petih delih« pisatelja Douglasa N. Adamsa. Izšla je leta 1982.
Restavracija ob koncu Vesolja je knjiga pisatelja Douglasa Adamsa in je nadaljevanje knjige Štoparski vodnik po galaksiji.
When a passenger check-in desk at London's Heathrow Airport disappears in a ball of orange flame, the explosion is deemed an act of God. But which god, wonders holistic detective Dirk Gently? What god would be hanging around Heathrow trying to catch the 3:37 to Oslo? And what has this to do with Dirk's latest--and …
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish is the fourth book of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy written by Douglas Adams. Its title is the message left by the dolphins when they departed Planet Earth just before it was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass, as described in The Hitchhiker's Guide to …