Free Air is a 1919 novel written by Sinclair Lewis. A silent movie adaptation of the novel was also released on April 30, 1922. The film starred Tom Douglas as Milt Daggett and Marjorie Seaman as Claire Boltwood.
Free Air is a 1919 novel written by Sinclair Lewis. A silent movie adaptation of the novel was also released on April 30, 1922. The film starred Tom Douglas as Milt Daggett and Marjorie Seaman as Claire Boltwood.
Elmer Gantry é um romance escrito por Sinclair Lewis em 1926 que representa satiricamente aspectos da atividade religiosa da América nos círculos fundamentalistas e evangelísticos e a atitude pública nos anos 1920 relativamente ao tema. Esta desapiedada sátira de Sinclair lida com religiosidade e a hipocrisia …