Kenneth Trachtenberg, an eccentric and witty native of Paris, travels to the Midwest to spend time with his famous American uncle, a world-renowned botanist and self-described ""plant visionary."" After numerous affairs and failed relationships, the restless Uncle Benn seeks a settled existence in the form of …

על בלימה הוא הרומן הראשון של סול בלו, שיצא לאור ב-1944. שם הספר מתייחס למצב בו מרגיש גיבור הסיפור, הנמצא במצב מעבר בין שני שלבים בחייו, ולכן תלוי על בלימה. הספר כתוב בצורת יומן, והסיפור עוסק בבחור צעיר ומובטל בשם ג'וזף, היחסים שלו עם אשתו וחבריו ותסכוליו מהחיים. ג'וזף גר בשיקגו ומחכה לצו גיוס מהצבא על מנת להצטרף למאמץ …

Mr. Sammler's Planet is a 1970 novel by the American author Saul Bellow. It won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1971.

Abe Ravelstein is a brilliant professor at a prominent midwestern university and a man who glories in training the movers and shakers of the political world. He has lived grandly and ferociously-and much beyond his means. His close friend Chick has suggested that he put forth a book of his convictions about the ideas …

A chronicle of success and failure, this work is Bellow's tale of the writer's life in America. When Humboldt dies a failure in a seedy New York hotel, Charlie Citrine coping with the tribulations of his own success, begins to realize the significance of his own life.

The Closing of the American Mind is a 1987 book by Allan Bloom, who describes "how higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today's students." He focuses especially upon the "openness" of relativism as leading paradoxically to the great "closing" referenced in the book's title. Bloom argues …

The Adventures of Augie March is a picaresque novel by Saul Bellow, published in 1953 by Viking Press. It features the eponymous Augie March who grows up during the Great Depression and it is an example of bildungsroman, tracing the development of an individual through a series of encounters, occupations and …

תפוס את היום הוא ספר אמריקאי שיצא לאור לראשונה ב-1956 הוא הרומן הרביעי של סול בלו. הספר נחשב לאחת מיצירות הספרות הגדולות של המאה העשרים. הסיפור עוסק ביום בחייו של וילהלם אדלר, שחקן כושל בשנות הארבעים לחייו. וילהלם מובטל, מרושש, פרוד מאשתו ומרוחק מילדיו ומאביו. במהלך היום הוא נאלץ להתעמת עם נסיבות חייו ומה שהוביל …

The most exuberant and funny of all Bellow’s novels, Henderson the Rain King remained the author’s personal favorite. Its outsized hero, Eugene Henderson, a mountain of a man, a millionaire, the father of many, remains adrift. Aggrieved, worn-out, all but defeated he longs to set things straight. Following the …

A novel complex, compelling, absurd and realistic, Herzog became a classic almost as soon as it was published in 1964. In it Saul Bellow tells the tale of Moses E. Herzog, a tragically confused intellectual who suffers from the breakup of his second marriage, the general failure of his life and the specter of growing …