The Sheep Look Up is a science fiction novel by British author John Brunner, first published in 1972. The novel's setting is decidedly dystopian; the book deals with the deterioration of the environment in the United States. It was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1972 and is celebrated in a 1988 essay …

The Shockwave Rider is a science fiction novel by John Brunner, originally published in 1975. It is notable for its hero's use of computer hacking skills to escape pursuit in a dystopian future, and for the coining of the word "worm" to describe a program that propagates itself through a computer network. It also …

The Crucible of Time is a fix-up science fiction novel by John Brunner. It was first published in 1983.

The Traveller in Black is a collection of short stories, written in a fantasy vein, by John Brunner. The first edition, titled The Traveler in Black, had four stories and was issued in 1971 in the Ace Science Fiction Specials line. Some stories were rewritten for this book. Later editions of the collection, with the …

The Jagged Orbit is a science fiction novel written by John Brunner. It was first published in 1969, in the Ace Science Fiction Specials line issued by Ace Books, and is similar to his earlier novel, Stand on Zanzibar in its narrative style and dystopic outlook. It has exactly 100 titled chapters, which vary from …

The Whole Man is a 1964 science fiction novel by John Brunner. It was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1965. This novel is often considered a turning point in Brunner's career, a step up from the space operas he'd been turning out as Ace Doubles and pointing towards the richer, more complex books …