Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is a children's novel written by Judy Blume and published in 1972. It is the first in the Fudge series and was followed by Superfudge, Fudge-a-Mania, and most recently by Double Fudge. Although Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great features many of the same characters as the series, it …
Part of the classic Fudge series from Judy Blume, bestselling author of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing!Farley Drexel Hatcher—otherwise known as Fudge—thinks he’s a superhero, but his older brother, Peter, knows Fudge is nothing but a big pain! Dealing with Fudge is hard enough, but now Peter’s parents have decided to …
Summer Sisters is a 1998 novel by Judy Blume. It focuses on the life of two fictional characters, the girls Victoria Leonard and Caitlin Somers. Because of its heavy sexual content—including lesbianism—this Blume novel is aimed squarely at an adult audience, not her pre-teen audience for which she gained …
Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself is a 1977 young adult novel by Judy Blume. The story is set in 1947 and follows the imaginative 10-year-old Sally, who likes to make up stories in her head, when her family moves from New Jersey to Miami Beach. While not as controversial as some of her other novels, Blume does …
Smart Women is a 1983 novel by Judy Blume that tells the story of a divorcee who falls for her friend's ex-husband.
Places I Never Meant to Be is a book edited by Judy Blume and first published in 1999. The book is a collection of short stories written by authors who have been censored or banned in some form in the United States. Sales went to benefit the National Coalition Against Censorship.