image of Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

... Unknown
... Unknown

La línia d'ombra és una novel·la curta de Joseph Conrad ambientada en el mar; és una de les seves darreres obres, escrita entre febrer i desembre de 1915. Es va publicar el 1916 com a fulletó en el Metropolitan Magazine entre setembre i octubre, i en l'English Review entre el setembre d'aquell any i el març de 1917. …

... Unknown

"Lord Jim" is the story of Jim, a young British Seamen and the first mate of the "Patna", a ship full of Muslim pilgrims on a hajj to Mecca. When the ship is imperiled, Jim along with the Captain and crew abandon the ship and its passengers. When they are later rescued along with the rescue of the passengers of the …

... Unknown

Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad originally published as a serial in Blackwood's Magazine from October 1899 to November 1900. An early and primary event is the abandonment of a ship in distress by its crew including the young British seaman Jim. He is publicly censured for this action and the novel follows his …