Norské dřevo je román japonského spisovatele Haruki Murakamiho z roku 1987. Název románu pochází z písničky Norwegian Wood od skupiny Beatles. Příběh je vyprávěn v retrospektivě. Čtyřicetiletý hrdina Tóru Watanabe se ohlíží na dobu, kdy mu bylo dvacet a kdy se začínal potýkat se samostatným životem. V roce 2010 knihu …

A unique look at the craft of writing from a bestelling master of storytelling.In this engaging book, the internationally best-selling author shares with readers what he thinks about being a novelist; his thoughts on the role of the novel in our society; his own origins as a writer; and his musings on the sparks of …

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is a memoir by Haruki Murakami in which he writes about his interest and participation in long-distance running. The book is translated by Philip Gabriel. Murakami started running in the early 1980s and since then has competed in over twenty marathons and an ultramarathon. …