Świat Zofii – powieść norweskiego pisarza Josteina Gaardera z 1991, napisana w języku norweskim. Przekład polski ukazał się w 1995. Książka stanowi pewnego rodzaju wprowadzenie do filozofii. Stała się ona światowym bestsellerem, została przetłumaczona na 53 języki i sprzedana w 26 mln egzemplarzy. Z książki pochodzi …

Jostein Gaarder had an unlikely international success with Sophie's World, a novelized exploration of western philosophy through the eyes of a young girl. This is an earlier work, translated from the Norwegian by Sarah Jane Hails. This fable-like story dabbles in philosophy too, though more lightly. It tells of a …

THE CHRISTMAS MYSTERY transcends all barriers. We all love a beadtime story and here we have a philosophical meditation wrapped in the simple clothes of a journey across Europe to Bethlehem. The qualities of wonder and enquiry that readers loved in SOPHIE'S WORLD are as strong as ever in this beautiful and mysterious …

Conversations about life and death, between a girl and an angel.It's almost Christmas. Cecilia lies sick in bed as her family bustle around her to make her last Christmas as special as possible. Cecilia has cancer. An angel steps through her window. So begins a spirited and engaging series of conversations between …

A chance meeting on the Fijian island of Taveuni is the trigger for a fascinating and mysterious novel that intertwines the stories of John Spooke, an English author who is grieving for his dead wife; Frank Andersen, a Norwegian evolutionary biologist estranged from his wife Vera; and an enigmatic Spanish couple, Ana …

Nowa powiesc Josteina Gaardera jest kolejnym dowodem bujnej wyobrazni autora i sklonnosci do zagadkowych skomplikowanych intryg Corka dyrektora cyrku to historia o Petterze dziwnym dziecku ktore wlasne towarzystwo i wymyslone przez siebie historie przedklada nad przyjaciol Opowiesci mnoza sie rowniez w glowie …

A playful and inventive work from the bestselling author of SOPHIE'S WORLD. A box of Latin manuscripts comes to light in an Argentine flea market. An apocryphal invention by some 17th or 18th century scolar, or a transcript of what it appears to be - a hitherto unheard of letter to St Augustine to a woman he renounced …