The Rest of the Robots is a collection of eight short stories and two full-length novels by Isaac Asimov. The stories, centred on positronic robots, are all part of the Robot series, most of which take place in the Foundation universe. Another collection of short stories about robots, I, Robot, was re-published in the …
Robot Visions is a collection of science fiction short stories and factual essays by Isaac Asimov. Many of the stories are reprinted from other Asimov collections, particularly I, Robot and The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories. It also includes the title story, "Robot Visions", which combines Asimov's motifs of …
Four men and a woman are reduced to a microscopic fraction of their original size, sent in a miniaturized atomic sub through a dying man's carotid artery to destroy a blood clot in his brain. If they fail, the entire world will be doomed.
Robot Dreams is a collection of science fiction short stories by Isaac Asimov, illustrated by Ralph McQuarrie. The title story is about Susan Calvin's discovery of a robot with rather disturbing dreams. It was written specifically for this volume and inspired by the McQuarrie cover illustration. All of the other …
An expanded version of Asimov's short story, "Nightfall," reveals a world on the brink of chaos, torn between religious fanaticism and scientific denial and faced with the end of civilization
The Currents of Space is a science fiction novel by the American writer Isaac Asimov. It is the second of three books labeled the Galactic Empire series, though it was the last of the three he wrote. Each occurs after humans have settled many worlds in the galaxy — after the second wave of colonization that went …
The Stars, Like Dust is a 1951 science fiction mystery book by writer Isaac Asimov. The book is part of Asimov's Galactic Empire series. It takes place before the actual founding of the Galactic Empire, and even before Trantor has become important. It starts with a young man attending the University of Earth. Biron …
The Complete Robot is a collection of 31 of the 38 science fiction short stories by Isaac Asimov, written between 1939 and 1977. Most of the stories had been previously collected in the books I, Robot and The Rest of the Robots, while four stories had previously been uncollected and the rest had been scattered across …
Kamyk na niebie – pierwsza powieść fantastycznonaukowa autorstwa pisarza Isaaca Asimova opublikowana w 1950. Jest to trzeci tom cyklu Imperium Galaktyczne.
Nemesis – powieść Isaaca Asimova z 1989 roku, wykorzystująca motyw statku-arki. Powieść opisuje losy Osiedla – stacji kosmicznej zamieszkanej przez niewielką populację ludzi, która jako pierwsza zdecydowała się opuścić macierzysty Układ Słoneczny i polecieć do układu planetarnego tytułowej gwiazdy …