Matched, by Allyson Braithwaite Condie, is the first novel in the Matched trilogy. The novel is a dystopian YA novel about a tightly-controlled society in which young people are "matched" with their life partners at the age of 17. The main character is seventeen-year-old Cassia Reyes, who is Matched with her best …

The highly anticipated second book in the Matched trilogy Chasing down an uncertain future Cassia makes her way to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky-taken by Society to his certain death-only to find that he has escaped into the majestic but treacherous canyons On this wild frontier are glimmers of a different life …

Paperback. Pub Date: 2013-11-19 Pages: 520 Language: English Publisher: Speak The final thrilling part of The New York Times bestselling trilogy. REACHED by The sequel to MATCHED and CROSSED by Ally Condie. After brigade of The Society and desperately searching for each other - and The Rising - Cassia and Ky have …