
Galip is a lawyer living in Istanbul. His wife, the detective novel–loving Ruya, has disappeared. Could she have left him for her ex-husband or Celâl, a popular newspaper columnist? But Celâl, too, seems to have vanished. As Galip investigates, he finds himself assuming the enviable Celâl's identity, wearing his …

《白色城堡》系奥尔汗·帕穆克所写的一本历史小说,故事是基于Pedro日记建构的。小说以一不知名人物的叙述开篇,他在从威尼斯航向那不勒斯时被土耳其舰队俘获。他担心自己的性命,称自己是个医生。在他被囚期间,他被带到生病的帕夏面前。他最终承认自己并非医生,但仍医好了帕夏。虽然仍旧被囚,他在众俘虏和奴隶中获得了优待。帕夏让他为其子的婚礼准备焰火,他惊讶的发现其中一个共事者——霍加的相貌与自己酷似。 …

The protagonist of Orhan Pamuk's fiendishly engaging novel is launched into a world of hypnotic texts and (literally) Byzantine conspiracies that whirl across the steppes and forlorn frontier towns of Turkey. And with The New Life, Pamuk himself vaults from the forefront of his country's writers into the arena of …