Mrs. Dalloway on englantilaisen kirjailijan Virginia Woolfin neljäs romaani, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1925. Se on yhdenpäivänromaani, joka kertoo Clarissa Dalloway -nimisen seurapiirirouvan päivästä, kun hän valmistelee illaksi järjestämiään juhlia. Teoksen kerronta perustuu tajunnanvirtaan, joka on luonteenomaista …

To The Lighthouse is Virginia Woolf's most accomplished novel, and her most autobiographical. It tells of one summer spent by the Ramsay family and their friends in their holiday home in Scotland. Offshore stands the lighthouse, remote, inaccessible, and external presence in a changing world. A projected visit to the …

The Waves, first published in 1931, is Virginia Woolf's most experimental novel. It consists of soliloquies spoken by the book's six characters: Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis. Also important is Percival, the seventh character, though readers never hear him speak in his own voice. The soliloquies …

Jaakobin huone on Virginia Woolfin kolmas romaani vuodelta 1922. Kirjan päähenkilö on nuori Jaakob Flanders, joka elää ensimmäistä maailmansotaa edeltävässä edvardiaanisessa yhteiskunnassa. Tässä teoksessaan Woolf kehitti omanlaisensa kokeellisen kuvailun tavan ja romaanin rakenteen. Teos käsittelee Woolfin keskeisiä …

Woolf’s first novel is a haunting book, full of light and shadow. It takes Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose and their niece, Rachel, on a sea voyage from London to a resort on the South american coast. “It is a strange, tragic, inspired book whose scene is a South americanca not found on any map and reached by a boat which would …

This story of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s cocker spaniel, Flush, enchants right from the opening pages. Although Flush has adventures of his own with bullying dogs, horrid maids, and robbers, he also provides the reader with a glimpse into Browning’s life. Introduction by Trekkie Ritchie.

MOMENTS OF BEING is a collection containing Virginia Woolf's only autobiographical writing. The author was well born, and in "Reminiscenses," the first of five pieces, she focuses on the death of her mother, "the greatest disaster that could happen," and its effect on her father, the demanding Victorian patriarch. "A …

To the Lighthouse is a 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf. The novel centres on the Ramsays and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920. Following and extending the tradition of modernist novelists like Marcel Proust and James Joyce, the plot of To the Lighthouse is secondary to its philosophical …

A Haunted House is a 1944 collection of 18 short stories by Virginia Woolf. It was produced by her husband Leonard Woolf after her death although in the foreword he states that they had discussed its production together. The first six stories appeared in her only previous collection Monday or Tuesday in 1921 : "A …