Oryginał Laury – ostatnia anglojęzyczna powieść Vladimira Nabokova, nieukończona przez autora. Tworzenie utworu przerwała śmierć pisarza w 1977 roku. Gotowe fragmenty tekstu zostały opublikowane po raz pierwszy 32 lata później – w listopadzie 2009 roku. Przed śmiercią autor prosił żonę Vérę o spalenie rękopisu, …
Look at the Harlequins! is a novel written by Vladimir Nabokov, first published in 1974. The work was Nabokov's final published novel before his death in 1977.
Pnin /pnjin/ is Vladimir Nabokov's 13th novel and his fourth written in English; it was published in 1957. The success of Pnin in the United States would launch Nabokov's career into literary prominence. The book's eponymous protagonist, Timofey Pavlovich Pnin, is a Russian-born professor living in the United States. …
Poems and Problems is a book by Vladimir Nabokov published in 1969. It consists of: 39 poems originally written in Russian and translated by Nabokov 14 poems written in English 18 chess problems One of the 39 poems originally written in Russian, "Lilith", in 1928, can be looked at as a foreshadowing of Lolita. …