《玩偶之家》是挪威剧作家亨利·易卜生于1879年的剧作,亦是他的代表作品,又译作《娜拉》。 《玩偶之家》在《社会支柱》完成后两年写成,是易卜生首个引起轰动的作品,现时仍是他最有名的作品,它亦是很多中学及大学的指定读本。十九世纪盛行的一般佳构剧,如佳构剧的始祖尤金‧史克莱普等人之剧作追求计算情节,作品往往缺乏深度。易卜生吸收了佳构剧的手法,运用在呈现经他深思的问题上。《玩偶之家》堪称是易卜生最有代表性的社会问题剧。 …

Hedda Gabler is a play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It was published in 1890, and it premiered in 1891 in Germany to negative reviews, but has subsequently gained recognition as a classic of realism, nineteenth century theatre, and world drama. The title character Hedda, is considered one of the great …


Ghosts is a play by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It was written in 1881 and first staged in 1882 in Chicago, Illinois, in a production by a Danish company on tour. Like many of Ibsen's plays, Ghosts is a scathing commentary on 19th-century morality. Because of its subject matter, which includes religion, …

Delivering three distinct and powerful visions of characters who choose to defy convention in the pursuit of happiness, Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and Other Plays is translated with an introduction by Peter Watts in Penguin Classics. The League of Youth was Ibsen's first venture into realistic social drama and …