Sisters is a novel by Danielle Steel, published by Random House in February 2007. The book is Steel's seventy-first novel.

Top TV anchorwoman Melanie Adams had given up on love after a failed marriage and an unhappy affair. With her two teenage children and her television news career, she had no room in her life for a man. Then she met famous heart surgeon Peter Hallam, a widower with three children of his own. Suddenly Melanie was …

Against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution and World War I Europe, Zoya, young cousin to the Tsar, flees St. Petersburg to Paris to find safety. Her entire world forever changed, she faces hard times and joins the Ballet Russe in Paris. And then, when life is kind to her, Zoya moves on to a new and glittering …

Passion's Promise is a 1977 novel by Danielle Steel also published under the title Golden Moments.

On Sarah Whitfield's seventy-fifth birthday, memories take her back to New York in the 1930s. To a marriage that ends after a year, leaving Sarah shattered. A trip to Europe with her parents does little to raise her spirits, until she meets William, Duke of Whitfield. In time, despite her qualms, William insists on …

『ゴーストワールド』は、ダニエル・クロウズ作のグラフィックノベル作品である。 クロウズによるコミックブックシリーズ『エイトボール』誌11~18号に掲載された連作が初出である。1997年にファンタグラフィックス・ブックスから書籍化された。 十代の読者に歓迎された本作は、商業的にも批評の上でも成功を収め、のちにカルト的な支持を受けるようになった。同作の書籍は何度も重版され、2001年には同タイトルで映画化された。 映画版の日本公開に続き、プレスポップギャラリーから単行本の邦訳が刊行された。 …

The Gift is a novel by author Danielle Steel. It is the story of a family in the 1950s coming to terms with the death of a child, that leaves them distorted and broken. It is Steel's 33rd best-seller that is characterized by simplicity and power.